Glossary of Terms

How I Paint Pictures With My Words:


I frequently use words and phrases that graphically illustrate, and hit you in the gut; they transmit a mood and feeling, which you grasp immediately. Then, the brain comes back and asks questions

Please observe below, definitions to help you understand some of my terms.

  • Age of Distraction- This is the downside of living in the Information Age. In almost every avenue of our lives we are being distracted from what we need to focus on, and for this reason our personal and social problems proliferate.
  • BadVibes Posse- People, mostly, who emit low energy vibrations, that suck out your personal energy when they are around, making you feel tired, fearful, and drained or apprehensive. Generally speaking, they move in a group (posse),or work in conjunction with one another to cast darkness; people who gossip, slander,threaten, intimidate and back-stab, while smiling in your face. You feel a real or sometimes vague discomfort when they are around, but it is not something you can always easily put your finger on.
  • Big Bad Wolf- Originating in children's stories, this is a character, a generic archetype of a menacing predatory type, that always strikes fear in the hearts of those in the story, who appear to be humble and less powerful.
  • Chicken Little- Chicken Little is a storybook character from childhood. Chicken Little would run by screaming : " The Sky is Falling!, The Sky is Falling!", because an acorn fell on her head. This character became a common idiom indicating a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent. In these current days, where a Tsunami, Nuclear accident, Or volcanic eruption can wipe out whole islands of people, the Chicken Littles' in our lives, scream disaster, and sound the alarm, for the slightest tempest in their personal teapots, which is their own life.
  • Dark Lords- Spiritual and Psychic forces that convey feelings of doom,dread, fear or anxiety and cast a certain dark cloud over your spirit when they are present in your life.
  • Dynamic- a Force,characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress relating to energy or to objects in motion..
  • High Beams- Focused Awareness, with directional intent at SuperConsciousness. Casting your eyes, which are the windows of the soul, where the spiritual light shines out, like a flashlight in the dark, on a subject.
  • Static- Pertains to the characterization of a fixed or stationary condition,usually unchangeable. .

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