Bad Vibes Posse, Part l:

Energy Vampires


Imagine what life would be like if you just did what you wanted to do , instead of being imprisoned by the social obligations and ties to contacts and situations that drain your energy and true purpose.

An Energy Vampire can be a person, place or thing. Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes: loud and aggressive, soft-spoken and shy, charming and seductive, pushy and overbearing. Often times, they do not even realize they are draining your positive energy.They Intrude on your life, ignoring boundaries and privacy. Energy vampires have often suffered some sort of crisis, whether in childhood or adulthood, and they compensate, to get rid of their negative energy. Regardless of how you encounter or interact with the Vampire, you always find yourself exhausted in the end. Think about it.

Energy Vampires are real and they seek a host. Could you be the very one that sucks out your own energy and those of others? Remember, vampire activity goes on continually, it is not just a one time thing, and has the power to drain your very life force. It's time to take stock of yourself and everything in your life that could be displaying the following patterns of behavior:

  • 1. Complainers
  • 2. Chicken Little Syndrome
  • 3. Blamer
  • 4. Criticisizers
  • 5. Accusers
  • 6. The Big Bad Wolf

Now, here is the solution to such issues:

  • 1. Constant Complainers -

  • For any situation you complain about, you have three options: leave it, change it, or don't change it. By taking full responsibility, you can actually do something about your current life situation, instead of drowning in the victim mentality. For the person who comes to you with these situations, give them a short leash. Cut interaction time. Find a reason to walk away, hang up, or disappear from their presence. No matter, be abrupt if you have to . Bear in mind, a Vampire will bait you, and can only drain your energy if you take the bait. So, when the complaint starts, walk away as fast as you can, do not entertain the Vampire situation at all, give it little time, and don't get sucked in by thinking you can help this person, place or thing, by giving even 1 minute of your time or energy to the situation
  • Continual Emergencies- the CHICKEN LITTLE Syndrome

  • For some people , every event in their day is some sort of emergency. Let's just consider that LIFE is a road, with lots of signs.So, watch for the signs. True emergencies rarely happen on a daily basis, unless you work in a hospital, Suicide or Battered Woman's' hot line or a trauma center. I call it the CHICKEN LITTLE Syndrome, because , for them, every day the sky is falling. Their emergencies are announcements, done in raised voices, and sentences filled with exclamation marks, coupled with lots of Drama and mental or physical running around. Refrain from attempting to rescue them or fix an energy vampire's problems.They don’t want you to fix their problems they want to talk about them so that they can take your energy.
    Be responsible for yourself. Ultimately, it's unsatisfactory to move through life seeking to blame others for how you're feeling, postponing your own responsibility to self-improve. While there are manipulative and difficult vampire types out there, you're not helping by insisting it's all their fault. If you're putting life on hold and letting someone else direct it for you or push you where you'd rather not go, move past spotting the demons around you and start checking out the ones within. Demolish them and the Energy vampires won't alight on your doorstep anymore. Remember that you always have CHOICE in situations that create complaints: Leave it, change it or don't change it.
    Your Critics love to vent and use you as the sounding board of their own short comings. They will criticize your decisions, ideas, hair, appearance, job, children, diet, partner, friends, and pets (energy vampires aren't positive, they will always bring negativity into your life).Dr Orloff, a noted intuitionist at UCLA tells us that this vampire has a sneaky way of making you feel guilty or lacking for not getting things just right. Define and guard your personal space from energy vampires. Don't give them an opportunity to criticize by feeding them information, no matter how tempting that could be.

    Stay tuned for The BadVibes Posse, Part 2: Dark Lords

    Always, Remember the elements you have to work with:

    • 1. Mental -learning, consciousness, psychology,thoughts.
    • 2. Physical - put distance between you and these situations, no eye contact,ever.
    • 3. Emotional- remain aloof, and emotionally distant from the situation or person.
    • 4. Spiritual-awareness,shine GODforce Light on it, directional intent away from your mind."Cancel that negative thought!"


These Four elements that make up your life can develop , clean up, expand and flourish and you can use them to positively banish the Bad Vibes Posse!

Remember the 7 senses you were given at birth, they are your portals.

  • 1. Seeing - recognize patterns of behavior, in yourself and others.
  • 2. Hearing -listen to inner warnings and get the BadVibes Posse out of earshot.
  • 3. Feeling -feel your energy draining and leave immediately.
  • 4. Taste -never underestimate the power of the tongue!.
  • 5. Smell - connects the memory, alerts for danger and love.
  • 6. Intuition -thought sending and receiving.
  • 7. Sense of: TIME; SPACE; EQUILIBRIUM; THE UNKNOWN- being in the zone.


Every individual is encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God through the pursuit of the knowledge of reality and the practice of grateful acknowledgement of our highest actions, as original acts of our Creator. All of our senses are used for learning, receptivity,and emissions. Choose thoughts and words carefully, our very well being depends upon it!

I can and will help you develop all your living elements, and heighten all your senses, so that they work for you, and so that you can begin to thrive, in the life you choose.

  • Focusing is a matter of DECISION and RELAXATION
  • Like the Here-Now, Like whatever is going on right now and relaxing with whatever is happening. I will show you how to do this
  • Remember, the only TIME where you can make a difference in your life is NOW!
  • Stay in the 24 hr zone where we presently live.
  • The past is history, the future, a mystery.

Thanks for your kind attention,